STRANIERI: caporalato e sfruttamento in Toscana, Coldiretti capo fila progetto DEMETRA per promuovere lavoro regolare ed etico.
Il progetto è stato presentato nel Salone dei Duecento di Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze.
La tratta di esseri umani coinvolge trasversalmente tutto il territorio europeo. Le vittime provengono sia dai Paesi dell’Est Europa sia da Stati extraeuropei (come Nigeria e Paesi del Sud America e dell’Asia orientale). Le stime indicano che la maggior parte delle vittime sono oggetto di tratta a scopo di sfruttamento sessuale (il 62% nel 2010), mentre le altre si suddividono tra sfruttamento lavorativo (il 25%), accattonaggio, servitù domestica e altre forme di sfruttamento.
La relazione sulla tratta presentata dalla Commissione Europea nell’aprile 2013 ha evidenziato come, mentre il numero delle persone all’interno e verso l’UE è aumentato del 18% dal 2008 al 2010, è diminuito quello dei trafficanti che finiscono dietro le sbarre, come risulta dal calo delle condanne del 13% nello stesso periodo
The legality of prostitution in Europe varies by country.
Some countries outlaw the act of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for money, while others allow prostitution itself, but not most forms of procuring (such as operating brothels, facilitating the prostitution of another, deriving financial gain from the prostitution of another, soliciting/loitering).
In eight European countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, and Latvia), prostitution is legal and regulated.
The degree of enforcement of the anti-prostitution laws vary by country, by region and by city. In many places, there is a big discrepancy between the laws which exist on the books and what happens in practice (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
The EU policy section provides an overview of EU policy to address trafficking in human beings. It contains information from the European Commission, the European Parliament and other EU institutions and agencies.
The European Union's policy for addressing trafficking in human beings is comprehensive focusing on prevention, protection of victims, prosecution of criminals, and the developing partnerships with the various actors involved. This approach is human rights based, victims centred, gender specific and child sensitive.
La Strada International (LSI) is a European NGO network against trafficking in human beings comprising eight member organisations in Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, The Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine and an international secretariat based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
La Strada International works from a human rights perspective in support of trafficked persons to ensure a world without trafficking in human beings where human rights are respected. La Strada’s primary goal is empowering trafficked persons, improving their position through promoting their universal rights, including the right to choose to emigrate and work abroad and to be protected from violence and abuse.
La Strada’s philosophy, guiding its anti-trafficking work and its provision of services, is based on a human rights approach.
La Strada recognises trafficked persons as active actors in changing their own situation, rather than passive recipients of services or victims in need of rescue.
The ARIADNE Network against Trafficking in Human Beings in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe is a regional network of 16 NGOs from 12 countries. The Network was established in June 2005 with its seat in Athens, Greece.
The mission of the Network is to combat human trafficking through close and coordinated action among countries of origin, transit and destination. Cooperation is on a tripartite basis- among state agents, international organizations and NGOs- in order to better assist victims and address existing and emerging problems.
The beneficiaries of the activities of ARIADNE are the victims and potential victims of human trafficking, mostly women and children, the NGOs which enrich their knowledge and ability for coordinated joint action, the general public through awareness raising campaigns and various state and/or private institutions active in the fight against human trafficking.
The founding members of the Network are 16 NGOs from 12 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia , Turkey and the Ukraine). The Human Rights Defence Centre in Greece has been designated as the co-ordinator of the Network
Il progetto è stato presentato nel Salone dei Duecento di Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze. Visita studio di una delegazione europea con rappresentanti di Bruxelles, Austria, Grecia, Ministero del Lavoro italiano, ANCI Nazionale e Anpal servizi. Prato ci prova e crea un modello virtuoso contro lo sfruttamento sui luoghi di lavoro.STRANIERI: caporalato e sfruttamento in Toscana, Coldiretti capo fila progetto DEMETRA per promuovere lavoro regolare ed etico.
Politiche e pratiche di inclusione socio-lavorativa dei cittadini migranti a Prato.
Prato: Lavoratori sfruttati, sportello per i più deboli